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PSYCHE, 1956, Jg. 9, Ausgabe 11

PSYCHE, 1956, Jg. 9, Ausgabe 11


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Bibliographische Angaben

Erscheinungstermin: 01.01.1970
ISSN print: 0033-2623 / ISSN digital: 2510-4187


Die Urhöhle
Zur Genese der Wahrnehmung und ihrer Rolle in der psychoanalytischen Theorie
Schlagworte: Ich, Wahrnehmung, Schlaf, Haut, Isakower-Phänomen, Reizschutz, Traumhintergrund, Einschlafphänomen, Mundhöhle, Saugreflex, Urhöhle, Umweltwahrnehmung
Formate: pdf
René A. Spitz
Seite 641 - 667
Zwei Formen der Regression und ihre Bedeutung für die Therapie
Schlagworte: Regression, Fixierung, Übertragungsformen, Gegenübertragung als therapeutisches Instrument, nachträgliche Bewältigung, Vermeidung von Konflikte
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Franz Alexander
Seite 668 - 683
Die soziologisch orientierte Kinder-Analyse
Dargestellt auf Grund einiger Fälle aus der Praxis

Child Analysis with the Aim of Social Adjustment. Play therapy as developed by Hans Zulliger and Madeleine Rambert has become the generally acknowledged non-verbal method of child analysis. The author in seeking a way of helping her young patients to social adjustment has come to combine play therapy with the children and close, depth-psychologically oriented co-operation with their mothers, so that one might speak of a two-track psychoanalysis. This is demonstrated by several case reports. In one case two Wartegg tests taken at the beginning and after ten weeks of analysis reflect the changed home atmosphere. In another case comparison of the Wartegg sketches of mother and 10 years old child make clear why a high grade of aggression outlasted the overt symptoms (enuresis, phobia) of the child. The ensuing analysis of the mother completed that of the daughter, resolving the remaining neurotic equivalents and stabilizing a healthy development of the girl. The katamnestic follow-up of a third case confirmed the successful treatment of a girl of now 23 who at the age of 12 had been brought to analysis as a last attempt before sending her to reform school. The analytic work with the girl's mother resulted in the latter's development of her originally weak and unstable personality and enabled her to establish a better relation to her child; as a consequence, the girl was able to give up stealing and running away. In a fourth case the mother was enabled, as a byproduct of the analysis of her child, to develop her personal and educational qualities in a way that not only the little patient was cured from encopresis, but also an elder brother recovered from a years-old ekzema. This kind of two-track work must be based on the unquestioned acceptance of the mother as well as of the child (in all stages of the treatment). The analyst must adapt his method to the actual Super-Ego of the mother, must know how to approach this Super-Ego without over-exacting it and so block her development. He should be able to gratify the need for security of the child as well as that of the mother, whose craving for security is not infrequently disguised under an indifferent and haughty behaviour. Then eventually the guilt feelings barring the way to a real and stable mother-child relation will be lowered.

Schlagworte: Mutter-Kind-Beziehung, Familientherapie, Kinderanalyse, Kaspar-Hauser-Komplex
Formate: pdf
Julia Schwarzmann
Seite 684 - 703
Übertragung und therapeutisches Ziel
Schlagworte: Gegenübertragung als therapeutisches Instrument, Patient und Therapeut
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Gerhard Hoffmann
Seite 704 - 710
Das Tongerät in der Psychotherapie
Ein Erfahrungsbericht

Es wird über die Anwendung von Magnettongeräten in einer nervenärztlichen Praxis berichtet. Tonträger haben zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, vor allem wissenschaftlicher Natur, von denen einige kasuistisch belegt wurden: Träume werden unmittelbar fixiert, wobei die Traumzensur möglicherweise verhindert (oder eingeschränkt?) wird. Selbstgespräche und freie Assoziationen können vom Patienten zu Hause festgehalten werden und entschwinden daher nicht mehr bis zur nächsten analytischen Stunde. Das Rollenspiel in Gegenwart des Arztes wird erst durch die Tonaufnahme zur Therapie. In der Suggestivpraxis kann sich der Arzt manche Unannehmlichkeiten ersparen (die Narkoanalyse ist hier nur ein Modell – dasselbe gilt für Hypnose, Narkosuggestionen etc.). Besonders aussichtsreich aber ist die Anwendung des Magnettongerätes bei der Vermittlung des Autogenen Trainings, da ein rasches Erlernen gesichert ist und die Entspannung sehr gut gelingt.

Technical recording equipments in the psychiatrist's and neurologist's practice offer various possibilities for therapeutical and scientific use. The author mentions several instances taken from his own practice; like immediate fixation of dreams on a dictaphone which would prevent ( or at least diminish) dream-censorship. In the same way records of soliloquizing and free associations can be taken at home and brought along to the next analytical session. Role play in the therapist's presence will become therapy when it is recorded only. Suggestion methods (like hypnosis, narco-analysis, narco-suggestion etc.) taken down on a sound recorder will spare the doctor many difficulties. The use of mechanical recorders seems even more promising for the conveying of Autogenous Training, as it warrants quick learning and relaxation.

Schlagworte: Rollenspiel, Psychodrama, Kurztherapie, Autogenes Training, Narkoanalyse, Tonbandgerät in der Psychotherapie, Selbstgespräche, Traumerzählungen, Traumzeichnungen
Formate: pdf
Hildebrand R. Teirich
Seite 711 - 720
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