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Musik & Ästhetik, 2022, Jg. 26, Ausgabe 104

Musik & Ästhetik, 2022, Jg. 26, Ausgabe 104


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Bibliographische Angaben

Herausgegeben von:Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf, Johannes Menke und Tobias Janz
1. Auflage, Erscheinungstermin: 04.10.2022
ISSN print: 1432-9425 / ISSN digital: 2510-4217


Unterwegs zu einer anti-utopischen, post-autoritären Musikwissenschaft
Nachruf auf Richard Taruskin (1945-2022)
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Hermann Danuser
Seite 5 - 9
Avantgardist im Verborgenen
Zum 50. Todesjahr von Gawriil Nikolajewitsch Popow

The composer Gawriil N. Popov, the first prominent victim of Stalinist musical policy, refused to abandon a damaged, yet authentic, personal, innovative and intransigent music despite all the attempts at aesthetic adaptation that were necessary for survival, the regular censorship and the condemnations, official and unofficial alike. His quality as an avant-garde classic of Soviet symphonic music alongside Prokofiev and Shostakovich, stigmatised in his lifetime first as anti-Soviet and progressive, then later as Soviet and conservative, is barely registered today. The present essay on the fiftieth anniversary of his death is intended to offer perspectives for a necessary future engagement with his work.

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Kai Johannes Polzhofer
Seite 10 - 21
Ben Johnston, sein Just-Intonation-Denken und seine Notation an einem Extrempunkt
Beispiele aus seinem String Quartet No. 7 (1984), 3. Satz

›Variations, With Solemnity‹, the third movement of Ben Johnston’s String Quartet No. 7 (1984), is presented as an extreme example of natural or ›just‹ intonation. In this music, Johnston goes far beyond Harry Partch, using the whole-number intervallic proportions 3, 5, 7, and 11 to 13. The all-encompassing proportional principle is also applied to the entire temporal structure of the work, with one cent (a hundredth of a semitone) corresponding to a metric value of an eighth-note. This is shown using the central viola line. Johnston constructs a web of complex whole-number relationships that ultimately forms an immense modulational arc leading into areas that go far beyond European methods of modulation. In so doing, he touches on tonal fields whose associations extend back to the Renaissance.

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Manfred Stahnke
Seite 22 - 38
»Widerstehe doch der Sünde«
Bach, Broch und die Ästhetik der Verweigerung

This essay approaches the subject of aesthetic refusal, which was highly significant in the avant-garde and counterculture for much of the 20th century, from its historical margins: on the one hand, contemporary art, which attempts to rise above ineffectual artistic refusal, and on the other hand, the historical threshold of social modernity evidenced in J. S. Bach’s cantatas, where an imaginarium of evil appears and the congregation is exhorted to resist it. Drawing on Foucault and Hermann Broch, refusal is understood as a secularised element of religious normativity that has survived the structural changes of artistic modernity and persists to this day.

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Tobias Janz
Seite 39 - 53
Wechselsatz. Enno Poppe vertont Quirinus Kuhlmann

The present text reflects on the paradoxical intersection of disparate artistic worlds in Enno Poppe’s choral piece Der Wechsel menschlicher Sachen [The Changes of Human Things], premiered in 2021, composed on a text by the Baroque poet Quirinus Kuhlmann (Bresslauer Himmlische Libesküsse [Heavenly Kisses of Love from Wroclaw], 1671). This analysis focuses on aspects of modular design, the idea of ars combinatoria realised here as well as the piece’s underlying concept of spectral (›multitonal‹) distinctions, which follows on from procedures already explored in Buch (2016) for string quartet. Finally, the author attempts to apply concepts of musical rhetoric rooted in the 17th century to Poppe’s score.

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Markus Roth
Seite 54 - 65
Verlorene Selbstverständlichkeiten
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Felix Diergarten
Seite 66 - 67
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Marcus Steinweg, Ann Cotten, Georg Fischer, Beatrice Babin
Seite 68 - 80
»Über Cancel Culture«
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Christian Grüny, Wolfgang Fuhrmann, Cosima Linke, Anne Holzmüller, Christian Utz, Sven Boxberg, Sophie Zehetmayer, Henrike Alscher, Svenja Rademacher, Nina Noeske, Julia Freund
Seite 81 - 94
Wenn das Schlecht-Abstrakte Realität annimmt
Über die Frage, ob man Glaubenskriege anheizen oder unbedingt vermeiden sollte
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Thomas Kabisch
Seite 95 - 101
Postmonumentalische Geschichtsmächtigkeit
Der neue Musik-Konzepte-Band über Josquin des Prez
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Johannes Menke
Seite 102 - 104
Neuausgabe der Klavierübung von August Halm
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Till A. Körber
Seite 105 - 107
Contrevenir – Entgegenwirken
Robert Maschkas Buch über Manfred Trojahn
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Klaus Heinrich Kohrs
Seite 108 - 110
»… dass man in der Mikroskopie eines winzigen Ausschnitts ganze Welten entdecken kann«
Zu Bernhard Langs Theater der Wiederholungen
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Krystoffer Dreps
Seite 111 - 114
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